Burg Bentheim



Experiences at Bentheim Castle

Our varied program of events offers you a wide range of cultural highlights. Look forward to unforgettable moments and unique experiences at Burg Bentheim.

Gopea exhibition

From April 14 to mid-December 2024, discover the works of 56 up-and-coming artists from 17 German art academies.
Painting, drawing and graphic art will be presented in a fascinating variety of techniques and styles.
Be inspired by the creative energy and talent of the young artists.
An exhibition that offers insights into the contemporary art scene and captivates visitors of all ages.
Experience art up close at Burg Bentheim.

Duration: April 14 to December 14, 2024

As the exhibition is located on the castle grounds, our normal admission prices apply.
These can be found in the visitor information.

Bad Bentheim town shooting festival

The festival of the Bentheimers

The last town shooting festival in Bad Bentheim took place 7 years ago.
This long-awaited event is something very special for everyone in Bad Bentheim – from August 31st, the town will once again be transformed into a huge festival.
You can look forward to nine days full of tradition, community and joyful celebrations!

Particularly noteworthy are the program items that take place in our historic castle.
These are marked in the list so that you don’t miss any highlights.

This year’s Schützenfest in Bad Bentheim promises unforgettable moments for young and old alike.
Celebrate with us and let yourself be infected by the enthusiasm of the community!

We look forward to welcoming you both in the town and on the grounds of Burg Bentheim!

August 31 to September 08, 2024

Admission to the grounds is free during the times when the Schützenfest program takes place at Burg Bentheim .

Date Program
Saturday, 31.08.2024
6:00 p.m. - The marksmen line up, the high-fives are presented in the castle courtyard, followed by a reception and dancing in the marquee.
Sunday, 01.09.2024
Concert in front of the castle followed by a family afternoon around the tent.
19:30 - Festive ball in honor of the old royal couple
Monday, 02.09.2024
6:00 a.m. - Wake up the citizens
7:30 a.m. - The bachelors line up with the captain of the boys
7:45 a.m. - The old bachelors line up in the town center, march to the baths, where they shoot for the king, entertainment concert and march back to the town
2:45 p.m. - Queen's tea in the marquee
4:00 p.m. - Traditional colorful procession, dance in the castle courtyard, followed by the King's Ball in the marquee
Wednesday, 04.09.2024
20:00 - Ladies' evening
Thursday, 05.09.2024
20:00 - Meeting of the marksmen for the royal beer in the marquee
Friday, 06.09.2024
20:00 - Youth evening of the town shooting festival
Saturday, 07.09.2024
20:00 - Post-party and finale in the marquee
Sunday, 08.09.2024
Concert and grand finale in the castle courtyard

Saturday, 31.08.2024

6:00 p.m. - The marksmen line up, the high-fives are presented in the castle courtyard, followed by a reception and dancing in the marquee.

Sunday, 01.09.2024

Concert in front of the castle followed by a family afternoon around the tent.
19:30 - Festive ball in honor of the old royal couple

Monday, 02.09.2024

6:00 a.m. - Wake up the citizens
7:30 a.m. - The bachelors line up with the captain of the boys
7:45 a.m. - The old bachelors line up in the town center, march to the baths, where they shoot for the king, entertainment concert and march back to the town
2:45 p.m. - Queen's tea in the marquee
4:00 p.m. - Traditional colorful procession, dance in the castle courtyard, followed by the King's Ball in the marquee

Wednesday, 04.09.2024

20:00 - Ladies' evening

Thursday, 05.09.2024

20:00 - Meeting of the marksmen for the royal beer in the marquee

Friday, 06.09.2024

20:00 - Youth evening of the town shooting festival

Saturday, 07.09.2024

20:00 - Post-party and finale in the marquee

Sunday, 08.09.2024

Concert and grand finale in the castle courtyard

Schlösser- und Burgentag

Historie neu erleben

Am Burgen- und Schlössertag öffnen zahlreiche historische Stätten in ganz Deutschland ihre Tore für Besucher:innen jeden Alters. Tauchen Sie bei uns auf der Burg in die Vergangenheit ein und erkunden Sie die prachtvollen Gemäuer und geheimnisvollen Gemächer. Der Burgen- und Schlössertag verspricht ein unvergessliches Erlebnis für die ganze Familie. Für die jüngsten Besucher:innen wartet an der Burgkasse ein gratis Ritterpfad-Quiz, das die Entdeckungstour zu einem unvergesslichen Abenteuer macht. Kommen Sie vorbei und erleben Sie Geschichte hautnah! 

10:00-18:00 Uhr
Unsere Eintrittspreise finden Sie in den Besucherinfos.


Museen mit Freude entdecken

Am 19. Mai 2024 findet der internationale Museumstag unter dem Motto “Museen mit Freude entdecken” statt! Auch in diesem Jahr nimmt die Burg Bentheim teil. Besuchen Sie unsere Ausstellung oder erkunden Sie die Burg während einer Burgführung. Für unsere kleinen Gäste haben wir eine ganz besondere Überraschung: Unser Kinderquiz “Der Ritterpfad” gibt es am Museumstag gratis an der Burgkasse!

10:00-18:00 Uhr

Unsere Eintrittspreise finden Sie in den Besucherinfos.